adhik der tak example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest अधिक देर तक adhik der tak news and headlines :
1. बाघ एक्सप्रेस का इंजन हुआ फेल, दो घंटे से अधिक देर तक रुकी रही 1. "[ No reference to architecture, and no more four years later in the Dictionary of the French Academy, much less talkative (and which, in its edition of 1932, continues to ignore any architectural connotation of space) 2. (The word "analogy" here covers both what Owen later called "homology" or matching structures, and "analogy" or matching functions 3. , Attacked by Germany a year later 4. Employment in advance: buying a property with funds that will be affected later by the purchaser 5. 10 of that year, after giving birth to their daughter Mary (who later became the wife of Shelley)

Given are the examples of hindi word adhik der tak usage in english sentences. The examples of adhik der tak are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., later.

That vision in 1976, born out of a Delhi barsaati , has resulted three decades later in creating a US $ 3.

These functions are planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling which we will discuss later in the chapter and the book.
You will read more about this in a later chapter.
Those of you who will choose later to specialise in economics, for your higher studies, will know about the more complex analyses that are used by economists to study macroeconomics today.
Ajmer (Rajasthan) was the capital of the Chauhan kings in the twelfth century and later became the suba headquarters under the Mughals.
They usually had a mandapika (or mandi of later times) to which nearby villagers brought their produce to sell.
They also had market streets called hatta (haat of later times) lined with shops.
Usually a samanta or, in later times, a zamindar built a fortified palace in or near these towns.
At twelve, he was sent away for schooling in the Hindu sacred scriptures and four years later he returned home to marry a princess.
This system of reservation was extended later to other weaker sections at the district and local level.
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